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Family Court Corruption and Father’s Rights

We dare not trust our parental rights to inferences and logic, which can be manipulated by agents of the government.

Judicial Misconduct (Somerset Cty NJ Margaret Goodzeit and Frank Tober) Court ordered child alienation by corruption and ignorance. Adapted from music video “Blurry” by Puddle of Mudd Adapted from music video “Blurry” by Puddle of Mudd – Protecting Children by Empowering Parents

Protecting Children by Empowering Parents

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Lansing Cartoon: Call Blitz It’s “Go Time” for Parental Rights
We have been laying the groundwork for seven years. Now it is time to push the proposed Parental Rights Amendment through Congress in 2015.

We have allies in key positions in both the House and Senate. But it will still take many calls, letters, and emails to get us to the two-thirds majorities we will need in each chamber – 290 in the House and 67 in the Senate.

Join the team by signing up here.

Image: No Parents Allowed Removing Parents from Public Schools
It is no accident, no coincidence. And it’s not just your imagination. There really is a steady trend by the government and the courts to remove the influence of parents from the public schools.

We are witnessing the rise of a statist mindset that actually believes that “expert” agents of the state can make better decisions for your child than you can.

Read the full article here.

Parental Rights Foundation to Launch February 2015

In September we announced our goal to raise $100,000 to launch the new Parental Rights Foundation. We are thrilled to announce that by the end of December we had exceeded that goal!

The website for this new research and education non-profit Foundation will be launched in February. It will feature research on such parental rights concerns as the racial disparity of families broken apart by Child Protection Services, the impact on a culture when parental rights are dissolved, and the long-term benefits of keeping children and parents together.

Parental Rights Foundation Launch


Status of the Resolution to STOP the CRC 20 Things You Need to Know about the CRC Are Criticisms of the CRC All ‘Myths’? An In-Depth Analysis of the CRC

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« The Parental Rights Amendment Reaches 80 House Sponsors.
Rep. Glenn Thompson (R, PA-5) signed on to cosponsor HJRes. 50 on Sept. 8.

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