Tag Archives: featured

Parental Alienation Documentary – The Menscentre 2015

This documentary explores Parental Alienatio through speaking with psychologists, interviewing alienated parents and discussing practical strategies on how to deal with this behavior. Also discussed are the effects of Parental Alienation on parents, children and entire families.

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Attachment -Based “Parental Alienation”

Dr.  Childress  explains “Attachment” based Parental Alienation in easy to follow terms, suggesting the P.A. is not a “syndrome” , rather a cross generational coalition with a narcissistic borderline parent.       Treatment of Attachment-Based “Parental Alienation” – YouTube.

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How Judges Violate the Code of Judicial Conduct

How Judges Violate the Code of Judicial Conduct, Commit Fraud Upon the Court, and Commit Crimes against Parties.

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NJ Judge Holds Private Hearing

In September 2014, my Ex-eife relocated herself and our daughter out of state to Duxbury MA. This was in violation of our settlement agreement. In October she filed a motion for the relocation.  Somerset County Judge Peter Tober had papers from both parties and I was informed he would issue an order without appearences. The […]

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KAPAAO – Kids Aiding Parental Alienation Awareness Organization

   KAPAAO – Kids Aiding Parental Alienation Awareness Organization.  

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Just Who’s Alienating Who?

Child Alienation as a collective effort and how one Social Service Agency is taking steps to prevent further abuse Over the years I have watched my ex-wife make false claims of domestic violence and child physical and sexual abuse to anyone who would listen. She learned quickly how easy it was to manipulate and use […]

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Watch “Support the Parental Rights Amendment: Self-Evide…” on YouTube

Every parent and child needs to be made aware of the importance of this amendment. Please share this with someone, write your congressman, discuss it publicly , anything you can to spread the word

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The State of Parental Rights

Spread The Word! If you have not yet read “The Unbelievable State of Parental Rights in America,” you need to read it today. It is perhaps too much information to take in in a single sitting, but the bottom line is this: violations of parental rights are no longer isolated events; they are common occurrences […]

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Corrupt NJ – Family Court and Parental Rights

Parental Rights violations are on the rise in New Jersey Your right to parent your own child is at risk Our country is suffering from a corrupt and broken Family Court system.  The incompetence and corruption within Somerset County, New Jersey Family Court starts at the bench and carries over into  unethical case mismanagement by Family Division law clerks and staff.   […]

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Judges and the Development of Parental Alienation Syndrome by David Heleniak

As defined in “False Domestic Violence Accusations Can Lead To Parental Alienation Syndrome,” “Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is a pattern of thoughts and behavior that can develop in a child of separated parents where the custodial parent causes the child, through manipulation and access blocking, to unjustifiably fear and/or hate the other parent. PAS is more than […]

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Shared Psychotic Disorder

Over the past 15 years, my ex-spouse has falsely accused me of verbal abuse, physical abuse and sexual abuse and other acts of domestic violence.  While I understand it has been part of her mission towards alienating me from my children, with each tear jerking “performance” she  makes to the Court for the protection from […]

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Chrissy Chrzanowski – Adult Story of Parental Alienation

Here is another adult child of Parental Alienation telling her story. I continue to believe that  young adults like Chrissie  can have a major influence on the young children dealing (not) with PA today. Kids dont want to hear it from their parents, or grandparents , or therapists.   Their closer peers are the best […]

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