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All Away

ALL AWAY Family Court Corruption and Father’s Rights We dare not trust our parental rights to inferences and logic, which can be manipulated by agents of the government. Judicial Misconduct (Somerset Cty NJ Margaret Goodzeit and Frank Tober) Court ordered child alienation by corruption and ignorance. Adapted from music video “Blurry” by Puddle of Mudd […]

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How Judges Violate the Code of Judicial Conduct

How Judges Violate the Code of Judicial Conduct, Commit Fraud Upon the Court, and Commit Crimes against Parties.

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NJ Judge Holds Private Hearing

In September 2014, my Ex-eife relocated herself and our daughter out of state to Duxbury MA. This was in violation of our settlement agreement. In October she filed a motion for the relocation.  Somerset County Judge Peter Tober had papers from both parties and I was informed he would issue an order without appearences. The […]

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Is Excessive child support destroying families and our national economy?

Is Excessive child support destroying families and our national economy? | Fix Family Courts.

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Parental Rights Amendment… Call Today!

We truly and desperately need the Parental Rights Amendment (PRA), and we need it soon! Adding to the U.S. Constitution the fundamental right of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their children will strengthen the role of parents in every situation where that role is currently eroding. We can’t say definitively that […]

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Response from Senator Menendez – on False Claims of Domestic Violence

  The First Annual Union County Domestic Violence Symposium was held  at Kean University –  April 10th, 2014. Prior to the event I read up on its agenda which glaringly lacked any mention “men of abuse” nor did it seem to address the escalating incidents of  “false claims of abuse” made by parents typically looking […]

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Just Who’s Alienating Who?

Child Alienation as a collective effort and how one Social Service Agency is taking steps to prevent further abuse Over the years I have watched my ex-wife make false claims of domestic violence and child physical and sexual abuse to anyone who would listen. She learned quickly how easy it was to manipulate and use […]

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Watch “Support the Parental Rights Amendment: Self-Evide…” on YouTube

Every parent and child needs to be made aware of the importance of this amendment. Please share this with someone, write your congressman, discuss it publicly , anything you can to spread the word

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National Parents Organization – Website

National Parents Organization, Shared Parenting, Child Support and Alimony Reform via National Parents Organization, Shared Parenting, Child Support and Alimony Reform.

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Student’s lawsuit against parents for support loses first round in NJ court

New Jersey Supreme Court Judge Bogaard isn’t buying a teenagers claims of abuse by her parents as he upheld the role of the parents at last weeks court proceedings in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey How did we get to this point in society where children sue their own parents because they see rules and curfews as […]

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Parental Rights Lawyer New Jersey

  Parental Rights Lawyer New Jersey | Parental Obligations Attorney Morristown NJ | Termination of Parental Rights Law Firm.

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The State of Parental Rights

Spread The Word! If you have not yet read “The Unbelievable State of Parental Rights in America,” you need to read it today. It is perhaps too much information to take in in a single sitting, but the bottom line is this: violations of parental rights are no longer isolated events; they are common occurrences […]

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