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NJ Judge Holds Private Hearing

In September 2014, my Ex-eife relocated herself and our daughter out of state to Duxbury MA. This was in violation of our settlement agreement. In October she filed a motion for the relocation.  Somerset County Judge Peter Tober had papers from both parties and I was informed he would issue an order without appearences. The […]

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Turn to Stone – Beyond P A

A reminder to that we all need to “take a better look, beyond our own personal problems. The destiny of our souls is in our own hands, not directed or dependant upon others.

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Father’s Day 2014

  I can  remember a time, as if it were yesterday, when I was able to celebrate this day – Father’s Day. My children and my father were my focus and we would spend the day showing our appreciation for eachother in little ways. We had picnics and pool parties, and we delighted in eachothers […]

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If— by Rudyard Kipling

If— BY RUDYARD KIPLING (‘Brother Square-Toes’—Rewards and Fairies) If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being […]

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Just Who’s Alienating Who?

Child Alienation as a collective effort and how one Social Service Agency is taking steps to prevent further abuse Over the years I have watched my ex-wife make false claims of domestic violence and child physical and sexual abuse to anyone who would listen. She learned quickly how easy it was to manipulate and use […]

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Parental Alienation Awareness Day 2014 – Letting Go

On a personal note, I started this video this time last year. Unforntunately, next verse , same as the first with no improvement in reconnecting with my children.

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Whatever You Need

I should have learned enough by now to never underestimate  the devestating  effects an Obsessed Alienator can have on children, but I have not.  I should understand clearly at this point  how the children with whom I onced shared a loving relationship, have become completely estranged from their father and family, but I do not.     I […]

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Corrupt NJ – Family Court and Parental Rights

Parental Rights violations are on the rise in New Jersey Your right to parent your own child is at risk Our country is suffering from a corrupt and broken Family Court system.  The incompetence and corruption within Somerset County, New Jersey Family Court starts at the bench and carries over into  unethical case mismanagement by Family Division law clerks and staff.   […]

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